Thursday, August 9, 2012

Simplify - CODA Automotive

This first week of August is designated as ?Simplify Your Life Week?.? We think that everyone could do something to simplify their life, and the experts agree.? Some of their starting suggestions include focus on your true priorities, eliminate unnecessary expense, and reduce excess wherever you find it.

Here at CODA we all make the environment a priority, which has driven us to design and build our all-electric car.? Our car is designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. We have made it easy and convenient for most anyone to have a positive impact on the environment.

In addition to helping you make the environment a priority, our car can help you eliminate unnecessary expense.? A CODA costs less to own and operate than the average gas-powered car, saving you thousands of dollars per year in fuel and maintenance costs.

Another way that a CODA can simplify your life is by giving you back all the time you spend putting gas in your car and looking for gas stations.? Simply plug it in to charge in your garage or driveway when you get home, taking no more time than it takes to plug in your cell phone.?? And every morning the car is ready to go again.? Nothing could be simpler or easier.

If every commuter in the US drove an electric car, we would save over half a million work weeks of time per year just by eliminating the time spent at gas stations.? At minimum wage those saved hours would be worth $150,000,000.?? This does not include spending any time driving to the gas station or finding one; adding that time in could easily double this total.

Gasoline-powered cars also need to pass smog checks every 2 years or so (depending on your vehicle and where you live).? In the US about 30 million drivers take their cars in for smog checks every year, and they pay about $1 billion for that service.? This does not include the cost of any smog-related repairs, which could cost hundreds of dollars more.? We are not suggesting that smog checks are a bad idea; air pollution contributes to a wide range of diseases, so we need to keep the air as clean as we can.

Respecting the environment can go a long way to simplifying your life.? If you create less waste you have less waste to deal with.? If you use less energy you have more money and you can feel good about making the future a better place to be.

Envision driving an electric car.?? See yourself saving money.? Feel yourself saving energy.? Breathe easier, not polluting the world you live in.??? Know that you are preventing some gasoline from being refined, and the energy saved from not refining that gasoline is almost enough to completely power your car.? Let calmness flow into your life as you have found a way to travel through the world free from guilt and with almost no impact on your planet. Simple.


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