Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Lore Thread


Spire Rock
Visible from any part of the city, Spire Rock is a jagged peak that towers over Arcadia. It would be nearly impossible to scale without the use of magic, and as a result was once used as a fortress during the Magical Revolution. On one side of Spire Rock sits the Seelie, a palace made of twisting branches and trees, home of the Fae and Elven Court. On the other face of the rock is the handsome, coloured brick structure of the Wizards' Tower, the city's centre of magical training and study. Both occupy a close space, though neither like to acknowledge one another.


Wound within a grove of great trees, Anaon is the district that serves as home to most of the elves, fae, and other high ranking citizens who have a strong connection to nature. Dryads inhabit many of the trees there, and shapeshifters often choose to make their homes there, finding it a comfortable medium between the city streets and the untamed wilderness. The dryads maintain Anaon much of the time, and so few humans are permitted to enter, unless they are thralls for the residents.

One of the shopping districts, considered the 'classier' alternative to the Goblin Market. Many mages run potion shops or vend golems and constructs out to citizens. All the most skilled weapon and armor crafters tend to set up shop in Elysium. In general they merchants there avoid the more shady trades such as slaves, preferring to maintain a respectable image in comparison to their more chaotic sister district.

Tower Gardens

In the shadow of the Wizards' Tower, Tower Gardens is an area mostly reserved for magic users who are members of the Tower. It is green and pleasant, though unlike the wilds of Anaon it is immaculately maintained, with flower beds full of strangely coloured flowers, and topiary hedges magicked into imitating the animals they were shaped as. Peacocks and phoenixes roam the lawns, and statues bow as the residents pass. Many humans and golems are used to help maintain the gardens, with magic users doing their best to avoid menial work.

Temple District

The Temple District contains various temples to the wild assortment of gods, spirits, and deities worshipped by the residents of Arcadia. Towering marble temples with hundreds of burning torches stand next to jagged shrines adorned with ribbons and animal bones. The district is often busy with folks leaving offerings for good luck or in thanks.

Bright District

Bright District is named because of the vividly coloured stone that makes up the buildings. Many of the craftsmen fro Elysium live there, as well as any of the Low Fae or monster types that've done well in the world. Bright is thought of as one of the 'respectable' areas, being on the north side of the river, though being so close to the Wylds, they often have....unpleasant things stalking their streets at night. As a result, many have moved to the Old Quarter for safety.

The Docks

The import/export hub of Arcadia. As well as being for the loading and unloading of goods, it is also often where people go to secure transport in and out of Arcadia. It invariably busy, and all sorts of walks of life work there. Many humans are employed in the loading and unloading.

The Old Quarter

Another primarily residential district, The Old Quarter is built around the ruins of the old human city that once stood there. From time to time, remnants of the dark past and the violent end of the human city can be seen, with the silhouettes of long-dead folk scorched onto walls by dragonfire. Even so, it is a very popular district for people to live in, with houses being quite cheap.

The Goblin Market

Without doubt, the trading hub of Arcadia. While Elysium is far prettier, it is the Goblin Market that the majority of the city goes to when they want something. It is said that you can get nearly anything you desire in The Market....if you can afford the price. You see, the Goblin Market is an amazing place, with brightly coloured stalls, constant noise and bustle, and amazing merchandise on display...but it has an undeniably dark side.
First of all is the food. The food on sale at the market appears incredibly enticing. Decorated cakes and pastries, fruit of unnatural size and hue, spiced meat and herby bread, and all sorts of dishes cooking in huge pans set upon the stalls. All over the market it's possible to see creatures enjoying it...but humans had better not dare to partake. Goblin Market food has a far more sinister effect on human folk. It acts almost like a drug, having a distinctly narcotic effect and inducing a sense of eurphoria....it's also highly addictive. Humans that consume food or drink from the market will feel desperately compelled to seek it out again...even if they can't afford it...which often leads to the second sinister thing about the Market.

The gold coin is the official currency of the Market...legally they should not trade in anything else...but many of the stallholders will give up their goods in exchange for other...more esoteric things. Memories, ideas, dreams and hopes..even one's own life force...all of them can be offered up as trade. Some folks can play the system, haggling with traders so that they take bad memories from them in a trade that benefits both of them...but the downtrodden and desperate can end up losing themselves in exchange for goods or coins...ending up as nothing but shadows with no memory or personality.

A section of the market is given over for the sale of slaves, comprised mostly of humans...or magical folks responsible for serious crimes that caused them to lose their free status.

Twisted Streets

Twisted streets is an area that is easy to get lost in...mainly as the streets tend to re-order themselves of their own accord. They will swap places most nights, making the already rather confusing place. As a result, the Twisted Streets are an almost lawless place inhabited by some of the shadiest residents of Arcadia. Thieves, smuggler, assassins and murderers make their homes their to avoid capture. Few folks venture into the district without a weapon or a guard.

The Warren

An odd spire of rock protruding from the ground on the southside is honeycombed with jagged fissures and caves that mark the entrance to The Warrens, the confusing underground maze of caverns and catacombs that runs under the city. Some of it is used by organizations like The Lanterners and the ruling groups as dungeons and store rooms, much of it is left wild and abandoned, infested with strange creatures. Beings like kobolds, who dislike living above ground, build their homes down there.

The Wylds

Supposedly having stood there for thousands of years, before even humans settled there, The Wylds is an ancient and dangerous wilderness that much of the city's nature magic draws power from. The trees are unnaturally dense and sturdy, incredibly hard to cut down...not that many would dare take an axe to them.

The most feral creature of Arcadia dwell out in The Wylds. Satyrs, fauns, wild elves, dryads, werecreatures and animal-folk often choose to dwell out there rather than inside the city, and only venture into Arcadia when they need to.

While it is considered part of the city, The Wylds is also very dangerous, being filled with very dangerous wildlife...and plantlife. It is not advised for those not well versed in nature to go wandering around there..lest they end up as food.

The Wylds are fiercely contested. The Circle of Teeth like to use it as a hunting ground, though many of the nature-loving beings are disgusted by the barbaric practice, wishing it to end, and for hunting to only take place out of necessity. As a result, fights frequently break out in the woodland.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/6MAyWIp8CJU/viewtopic.php

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